Thursday, March 31, 2011

Ready for Action

Action may not always bring happiness; but there is no happiness without action.
- Benjamin Disraeli –

Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy.
- Dale Carnegie -

The dreams I only thought about, the ones I took no action on, well they are still dreams. But the ones that I took action on, they are now a reality.
- Catherine Pulsifer -

If you can imagine it, you can achieve it; if you can dream it, you can become it.
- William Arthur Ward -

There are 2 kinds of people.

First there are those who said I want to feel good before I do something. And these people normally do not feel ready, they don’t feel competent enough and they don’t feel easy to just do it. As a result they keep procrastinating and they may never be ready to do anything in the end. They are driven largely by their emotions, they are constantly waiting for their emotions and so the swings of emotions freezes their will to take action.

Do you feel like this at times; you rather watch TV than read a good book; you rather sleep in than to wake up and go for a morning walk. And so most times, these people seldom progress ahead, someone else will always come and take their place, they lose out and they short change themselves because of this poor attitude to action.

And as they wallow in inaction and waiting for the right emotions to come, little did they know that doubt and fear creeps into their thinking and emotions. Laziness will also set in and further immobilizes the person. And if you look deeper, you may find that the person is gradually deteriorating to a condition where an absence of goals, vision or passion in life is evident.

On the other hand, there are the ones who said I want to do something and I will feel good in the end. These two types of thinking are worlds apart. This latter group understands that actions trigger emotions. They are disciplined for they know that when they do the right thing they will also get the right good feeling.

They also know that action may not bring immediate happiness as there may be challenges along the way, there may be initial frustrations, and there may be failures. They know that it will bring feelings of satisfaction, joy and wholeness at the end of the journey.

Therefore, if you make a study on successful individuals, you will find that they are action oriented. They didn't stand still and remain motionless even when challenges showed up. Successful individuals are aware that inactivity is a great enemy and a danger.

They pushed themselves and developed the disciplines to take consistent action. They will pause to contemplate and evaluate their progress and once they get the feedbacks, they take a different action or repeat the same and move on until they reach their goals. Their dreams and visions become a reality. They feel fulfilled and empowered and they move on to greater action.

Whatever you want to do, do it now. There are so many tomorrows.
- Michael Landon -

I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do.
- Russell Taylor -

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover
- Mark Twain -

Action is a great restorer and builder of confidence. Inaction is not only the result, but the cause, of fear. Perhaps the action you take will be successful; perhaps different action or adjustments will have to follow. But any action is better than no action at all.
- Norman Vincent Peale

Yours for a Purposeful Life!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Power of ONE

I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something that I can do.
- Edward Everett Hale -

Not many people realize that the unraveling in the
Middle East actually began with a 26-year-old Tunisian street merchant. After his pushcart was confiscated by authorities, he set himself on fire on December 17th. Without the internet, this would have been a non-event on the world stage, but with the help of the internet, the Tunisian government was toppled in short order.
Within days the protests spread rapidly throughout the Middle East and African countries. Incredibly, it all began with a 26-year-old street merchant.

Ayn Rand
Throughout the centuries there were men who took first steps, down new roads, armed with nothing but their own vision.

Robert Frost
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I... I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.

Uta Hagen

We must overcome the notion that we must be regular... it robs you of the chance to be extraordinary and leads you to the mediocre.

Indeed, One Person "CAN " Make A Difference

Most people, by nature, are very set in their ways. We make mistakes, and instead of taking steps at the point of that mistake, we have the tendancy to "bury it" somewhere deep and secret, hoping no one will ever notice or find out about it, fooling ourselves into thinking, "It will never happen again". George Santayana writes in his Book, 'The Life of Reason' , " Those who cannot remember the past, are condemed to repeat it."

There is no doubt that that "One Person Can Make a Difference" no matter what the obstacle may be. You can find instances of this all through recorded history . Changes and Impacts" made by men such as :

- Alexander The Great
- Genghis Kahn
- Christopher Columbus
- Marco Polo
- Indiri Ghandi

Yours for a Purposeful Life

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Make Room ! Clear Out the Old Grain !

“I will look favorably upon you, making you fertile and multiplying your people. And I will fulfill my covenant with you. You will have such a surplus of crops that you will need to clear out the old grain to make room for the new harvest!" Lev 26:9-10

Many a times our lives are swamped with materials, possessions, old bad habits, primitive thinking etc that leaves no space for God to bless us with His blessings. We think we have enough with all the earthly possessions we obtained, we think we have become very wise because we have so many years of proven experiences behind us. We think we are self sufficient. We have all the "old grain" which God asks that we clear out before we can experience His new harvest.

This may also relate to a church where the leaders are so comfortable with the old ways of doing things. Little did they realise that it is no longer effective for God's work. God wants to bless His people with new harvest but the leaders are reluctant to change and be sensitive to the times and to the leading of the Holy Spirit. Instead they stick to the "old grain" and not willing to change.

Check if you have any old grain that needs to be cleared out. It can be your thinking, it can be certain strongholds in life or it can be your possessions or your way of life. If there are, clear them out and make room for God's new harvest.


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Hard Work

"Hard work pays off in the future. Laziness pays off now." - Steven Wright

Most people will do what’s easiest and avoid hard work — and that’s precisely why you should do the opposite. The nice thing about hard work is that it’s universal. It doesn’t matter what industry you’re in — hard work can be used to achieve positive long-term results regardless of the specifics.

Being healthy is hard work. Finding and maintaining a successful relationship is hard work. Raising kids is hard work. Getting organized is hard work. Setting goals, making plans to achieve them, and staying on track is hard work. Even being happy is hard work.

So don't shun hard work, it would be tough going but the future rewards will be worth it. You are investing for the future.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Personal Hygiene

Good hygiene is important in taking care of yourself physically as well as emotionally. People often have infections because they don’t take good care of themselves physically, which can lead to emotional difficulties as well. To avoid physical problems associated with poor hygiene, consider the following ideas to keep yourself clean:

Hair Care

Washing Your Hair. It’s so important to keep your hair clean and conditioned to ensure it stays healthy and strong. Washing your hair at least every other day is important to keeping your hair healthy and in good shape. If you wash it too frequently, your hair will become brittle and dry, making it difficult to grow and keep strong. If you wash it too infrequently, it will become greasy and will also stunt its growth.

Washing your hair too frequently also strips it of necessary nutrients required to keep it strong and healthy. Conditioning your hair is critical to keeping the nutrients within your hair intact. Use a “leave-in” conditioner every time you wash your hair. The long-lasting conditioning agents will rebuild your hair every time you use it.

Cutting Your Hair. Getting your hair cut frequently is critical to healthy hair. The longer you wait to get your hair cut, the more frail and brittle your hair can become, especially if it is longer.

The length of your hair will determine how often you get your hair cut. If you are male, or a female with a very short hairstyle, getting your hair cut every six weeks is best in order to keep it trim and neat, while keeping it healthy as well. If you have longer hair, you can go as long as 10 weeks without a haircut, but try to get your hair cut at least every 10 weeks. This will help keep your hair strong, and if you are trying to grow your hair, will enable your hair to grow more quickly, because you will get rid of the dead, dry ends and will enable the healthy part to grow more effectively.

Dental Care
Going to the Dentist. The mouth is the area of the body most prone to collecting harmful bacteria and generating infections. In order to have and maintain good oral hygiene, it is critical to visit your dentist at least every six months. In some cases, your dentist may recommend every four months, depending on how much tartar builds up on your teeth and how often you need to have it removed. To keep your teeth free from tartar build-up and tooth decay, make sure you visit your dentist as frequently as he or she recommends. This will ensure your teeth and your mouth stay healthy and strong.

Brushing Your Teeth. For best results, invest in an electric toothbrush. Crest and Oral B both make excellent electric toothbrushes designed to clean your teeth and gums. Regardless of the type of toothbrush you use, make sure you brush your teeth at least two times per day, if not after every meal. This will help minimize the amount of bacteria in your mouth which leads to tooth decay, and will help you maintain a healthy, happy smile.

Flossing Your Teeth. In addition to regular brushing, it is critical to floss your teeth at least once a day, usually before you go to bed. This will enable you to reduce plaque in the more difficult to reach places—between teeth and at the back of your molars. Flossing also keeps your gums healthy and strong, and will help protect your mouth from a variety of diseases that could eventually cost you your teeth.

Physical Care
Cleanliness of Your Body. Taking a bath or shower once daily is very important to ensuring your body stays clean. Cleaning your body is also important to ensure your skin rejuvenates itself, as the scrubbing of your arms, legs, and torso will slough off dead, dry skin and help your skin stay healthy and refreshed.

Shaving. In American culture, it is important to remember that shaving is a critical part of cleanliness. For men, shaving the face enables it to stay cleaner and is a more acceptable hygienic practice, especially for those who work in corporate America. For women, shaving the legs and under the arms also keeps the body cleaner, with less places for bacteria to grow.

Washing Your Face. It is important to wash your face at least once a day to remove all dirt and grime that you have come in contact with during the course of the day. This will keep your face freer from wrinkles and pimples, which are the result of clogged pores. Using some sort of moisturizer will also ensure your face stays rejuvenated and fresh.

Trimming Your Nails. Keeping your nails trimmed and in good shape is also important in maintaining good health. Going to a professional to learn proper nail care will help you get on the right track to trimming your fingernails as well as toenails. Proper trimming techniques will also help you avoid hangnails and infected nail beds.

Washing Your Hands

Before Meals. It’s important to have clean hands before you sit down to eat. Washing with hot water and soap will clean your hands so that they do not carry bacteria to your family and friends as you pass the bread!

After Restroom Use. To ensure you don’t carry fecal or other bacteria to other parts of the body or to other individuals, you will want to wash your hands after every time you use the restroom. Make sure you wash your hands immediately afterward—don’t touch your nose or mouth to avoid unnecessary illness.

Before Preparing Food. Washing your hands before you prepare food is very important to ensure you don’t spread bacteria to your food. Wash them with hot, soapy water for at least 2 minutes before you begin working with food, particularly poultry or red meat. This will keep your food free from bacteria, and will ensure your food is healthy to serve once it’s cooked!

After Preparing Food. Again, washing your hands for at least 2 minutes with hot, soapy water after you have prepared food (and before serving) will ensure you don’t carry bacteria with you, thus potentially infecting you or others.

Good hygienic habits are easy to begin and maintain. Starting with a few of these ideas will help you start on your way to developing good hygiene for both you and your family.

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