Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Dear You, ..... It's me God.

Dear You,
It’s me…God. We haven’t talked in a while so I thought I’d reach out to you in this letter. There are so many things that I want for you and so much more that I want you to know. The most important thing I wish to convey to you, is that, first and foremost…I love you. Oh, how just the thought of you brings me inestimable joy. My gladness, for you, cannot be comprehended. I love you every moment of every day, in every situation and in every way. And I have…for a very long time. It was I who created your innermost being and knit you together in your mother’s womb and even before that…I knew you and set you apart to do immeasurable things. Yes, you are wonderfully made and created for a special reason, for a distinct purpose, for a perfect time. Oh, the plans I have for you, plans for good and not for evil, to give you a hope and an everlasting future. 

The journey you’ve been on, at times, has not always been easy…I know. Things have happened (some beyond your control) but since then…choices have been made and consequences and blessings have resulted from each. I know that if you earnestly search within yourself you’ll come to realize that I cannot be deceived and that you’ve received the just harvest that you (and you alone) have planted in the seasons of your life. They are unpretentiously the results of your free will which I have freely given you. Regardless, my love for you is unchanged. That’s the beauty of our relationship. I’m always here for you.

Make no mistake, I’ve heard you. Your questions of why bad things happen to good people and why evil, in this world, seems to flourish unchecked. You ask…How can I allow such things to exist? Well, I ask you…how can I not? It’s quite confounded but if I were to simplify it I would tell you it goes back to what I previously mentioned…free will. Everyone on this planet, starting with you, has the ability (right now) to snuff out evil if you simply chose to. Collectively, if everyone (and I mean everyone) from the east to the west, from the north to the south, would choose my love and chose to embrace IT over fear, over greed, over selfishness, over pride, over hatred, over lust, over evil itself…I assure you, you and the rest of the world could experience heaven, right here, on earth. But, alas, not everyone chooses the purity of my love and therefore you live in a world that is interwoven by the good and evil choices of humanity. Yet, everyone has the choice, right now, to choose love and I am waiting patiently for everyone to do so. Until then, I assure you, I am evenhanded because of my love for you and will give sunlight to both the evil and the good, and send rain on the just and the unjust alike because my love is so great, so pure, so big that it offers everyone a chance at redemption….a chance to be reconciled with me.

I have now told you all this so that you may have peace in me. I tell you the truth, you have and will continue to experience many trials and sorrows in this world. But take heart, because it’s my love that overcomes the world and it is freely given to anyone who seeks it.

Listen to me, I know you’ve heard me calling you. In the depths of your darkness and sometimes shame. You have hidden yourself from me but I see you and love you…just as you are. Come. Come to me. You, whom I love, so heavy laden and burdened with turpitude. Draw closer and I will give you rest. It is I, who blots out your offenses, for my own sake, and remembers them no more. Don’t you know that the wrong you have done is not against me…but against yourself? So forgive yourself as I have forgiven you. As far as the east is from the west, I have removed your transgressions from my sight. Oh the plans and hopes I have for you, designs for good and not for evil, to give you an everlasting future. I love you every moment of every day, in every situation and in every way.

Close your eyes and search me, search for the truth within you. Be still, repose with me, faithfully, and I will give you wisdom and your spirit…a gift of peaceful rest. Walk with me, choose my love. For I have already chosen you before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in my sight.

All my love,
* * * * * * * * * *
Jeremiah 29:11,Psalm 139:13-16, Galatians 6:7, Matthew 5:45, John 16:33, Matthew 11:28, Isaiah 43:25, Psalm 103:12, 1 Corinthians 6:18, Ephesians 1:4


In my humble opinion, you are about to read the greatest and most influential address/document ever written regarding the topic of Leadership. Although written for a graduating class of army student officers over 100 years ago...it's truth is just as relevant today as it was back then and just as applicable to any field of business...in any industry. The lessons are universal in nature and truly captures the essence of what leadership is all about. Anyone who wishes to lead, in any capacity, should stop what they're doing and take the few moments to read the genuine wisdom that is below and then spend the rest of their lives in pursuit of living it out. Many years ago, this address of Major C.A. Bach dramatically changed my perspective on what a true leader is and now it's my honor to share it here with you. I hope that it blesses you as much as it has blessed me.


Address by Major C. A. Bach of the United States Army, Giving Farewell Instructions to the Graduating Student Officers of the Second Training Camp at Fort Sheridan, Wyoming, in 1917
In a short time each of you men will control the lives of a certain number of other men. You will have in your charge loyal but untrained citizens, who look to you for instruction and guidance. Your word will be their law. Your most casual remark will be remembered. Your mannerisms will be aped. Your clothing, your carriage, your vocabulary, your manner of command will be imitated. When you join your organization you will find there a willing body of men who ask from you nothing more than the qualities that will command their respect, their loyalty and their obedience. They are perfectly ready and eager to follow you so long as you can convince them that you have these qualities. When the time comes that they are satisfied you do not possess them you might as well kiss yourself good-bye. Your usefulness in that organization is at an end.
From the standpoint of society, the world may be divided into leaders and followers. The professions have their leaders, the financial world has its leaders. In all this leadership it is difficult, if not impossible, to separate from the element of pure leadership that selfish element of personal gain or advantage to the individual, without which any leadership would lose its value. It is in military service only, where men freely sacrifice their lives for a faith, where men are willing to suffer and die for the right or the prevention of a wrong, that we can hope to realize leadership in its most exalted and disinterested sense.
Therefore, when I say leadership, I mean military leadership. In a few days the great mass of you men will receive commissions as officers. These commissions will not make you leaders; they will merely make you officers. They will place you in a position where you can become leaders if you possess the proper attributes. But you must make good, not so much with the men over you as with the men under you. MAKE excuses for the shortcomings of others, if you wish, but hold yourself to a strict accountability if you would attain leadership in any undertaking. Men must and will follow into battle officers who are not leaders, but the driving power behind these men is not enthusiasm but discipline. They go with doubt and trembling that prompts the unspoken question, "What will he do next?" Such men obey the letter of their orders but no more. Of devotion to their commander, of exalted enthusiasm, which scorns personal risk, of self-sacrifice to insure his personal safety, they know nothing. Their legs carry them forward because their brain and their training tell them they must go. Their spirit does not go with them. Great results are not achieved by cold, passive, unresponsive soldiers.
They don't go very far and they stop as soon as they can. Leadership not only demands but receives the willing, unhesitating, unfaltering obedience and loyalty of other men; and a devotion that will cause them, when the time comes, to follow their uncrowned king to hell and back again, if necessary. You will ask yourselves;
Of just what, then, does leadership consist? What must I do to become a leader? What are the attributes of leadership, and how can I cultivate them?" Leadership is a composite of a number of qualities. Among the most important I would list Self-confidence, Moral Ascendency, Self-Sacrifice, Paternalism, Fairness, Initiative, Decision, Dignity, Courage, Self-confidence results, first, from exact knowledge; second, the ability to impart that knowledge; and third, the feeling of superiority over others that naturally follows.
All these give the officer poise. To lead, you must know! You may bluff all of your men some of the time, but you can't do it all the time. Men will not have confidence in an officer unless he knows his business, and he must know it from the ground up. The officer should know more about paper work than his first sergeant and company clerk put together; he should know more about messing than his mess sergeant; more about diseases of the horse than his troop farrier. He should be at least as good a shot as any man in his company. If the officer does not know, and demonstrates the fact that he does not know, it is entirely human for the soldier to say to himself, "To hell with him. He doesn't know as much about this as I do," and calmly disregard the instructions received. There is no substitute for accurate knowledge!
Become so well informed that men will hunt you up to ask questions; that your brother officers will say to one another, "Ask Smith - he knows." And not only should each officer know thoroughly the duties of his own grade, but he should study those of the two grades next above him. A two-fold benefit attaches to this. He prepares himself for duties, which may fall to his lot any time during battle; he further gains a broader viewpoint which enables him to appreciate the necessity for the issuance of orders and join more intelligently in their execution. Not only must the officer know but he must be able to put what he knows into grammatical, interesting, forceful English.
He must learn to stand on his feet and speak without embarrassment. I am told that in British training camps student-officers are required to deliver ten-minute talks on any subject they choose. That is excellent practice. For to speak clearly one must think clearly, and clear, logical thinking expresses itself in definite, positive orders. While self-confidence is the result of knowing more than your men, Moral Ascendency over them is based upon your belief that you are the better man.
To gain and maintain this ascendency you must have self-control, physical vitality and endurance and moral force. You must have yourself so well in hand that, even though in battle you be scared stiff, you will never show fear. For if by so much as a hurried movement or a trembling of the hands, or a change of expression, or a hasty order hastily revoked, you indicate your mental condition it will be reflected in your men in a far greater degree. In garrison or camp many instances will arise to try your temper and wreck the sweetness of your disposition.
If at such times you "fly off the handle" you have no business to be in charge of men. For men in anger say and do things that they almost invariably regret afterward. An officer should never apologize to his men; also an officer should never be guilty of an act for which his sense of justice tells him he should apologize. Another element in gaining Moral Ascendency lies in the possession of enough physical vitality and endurance to withstand the hardships to which you and your men are subjected, and a dauntless spirit that enables you not only to accept them cheerfully but to minimize their magnitude. Make light of your troubles, belittle your trials and you will help vitally to build up within your organization an esprit whose value in time of stress cannot be measured.
Moral force is the third element in gaining Moral Ascendency. To exert moral force you must live clean; you must have sufficient brain power to see the right and the will to do right. Be an example to your men! An officer can be a power for good or a power for evil. Don't preach to them - that will be worse than useless. Live the kind of life you would have them lead, and you will be surprised to see the number that will imitate you.
A loud-mouthed, profane captain who is careless of his personal appearance will have a loud-mouthed, profane, dirty company. Remember what I tell you. Your company will be the reflection of yourself!
If you have a rotten company it will be because you are a rotten captain. Self-sacrifice is essential to leadership. You will give, give, all the time. You will give of yourself physically, for the longest hours, the hardest work and the greatest responsibility are the lot of the captain. He is the first man up in the morning and the last man in at night. He works while others sleep.
You will give of yourself mentally, in sympathy and appreciation for the troubles of men in your charge. This one's mother has died, and that one has lost all his savings in a bank failure. They may desire help, but more than anything else they desire sympathy. Don't make the mistake of turning such men down with the statement that you have troubles of your own, for every time you do that you knock a stone out of the foundation of your house. Your men are your foundation, and your house of leadership will tumble about your ears unless it rests securely upon them. Finally, you will give of your own slender financial resources. You will frequently spend your own money to conserve the health and wellbeing of your men or to assist them when in trouble. Generally you get your money back.
Very frequently you must charge it off to profit and loss. Even so, it is worth the cost. When I say that paternalism is essential to leadership I use the term in its better sense. I do not now refer to that form of paternalism, which robs men of initiative, self-reliance and self-respect. I refer to the paternalism that manifests itself in a watchful care for the comfort and welfare of those in your charge. Soldiers are much like children. You must see that they have shelter, food and clothing, the best that your utmost efforts can provide. You must see that they have food to eat before you think of your own; that they have each as good a bed as can be provided before you consider where you will sleep. You must be far more solicitous of their comfort than of your own. You must look after their health. You must conserve their strength by not demanding needless exertion or useless labor.
And by doing all these things you are breathing life into what would be otherwise a mere machine. You are creating a soul in your organization that will make the mass respond to you as though it were one man. And that is esprit. NO accurate thinker will judge another person by that which the other person's enemies say about him. And when your organization has this esprit you will wake up some morning and discover that the tables have been turned; that instead of you constantly looking out for them they have, without even a hint from you, taken up the task of looking out for you. You will find that a detail is always there to see that your tent, if you have one, is promptly pitched; that the most and the cleanest bedding is brought to your tent; that from some mysterious source two eggs have been added to your supper when no one else has any; that an extra man is helping your men give your horse a super-grooming; that your wishes are anticipated; that every man is "Johnny-on-the-spot." And then you have arrived! You cannot treat all men alike!
A punishment that would be dismissed by one man with a shrug of the shoulders is mental anguish for another. A company commander who, for a given offense, has a standard punishment that applies to all is either too indolent or too stupid to study the personality of his men. In his case justice is certainly blind. Study your men as carefully as a surgeon studies a difficult case. And when you are sure of your diagnosis apply the remedy. And remember that you apply the remedy to effect a cure, not merely to see the victim squirm. It may be necessary to cut deep, but when you are satisfied as to your diagnosis don't be diverted from your purpose by any false sympathy for the patient.
Hand in hand with fairness in awarding punishment walks fairness in giving credit. Everybody hates a human hog. When one of your men has accomplished an especially creditable piece of work see that he gets the proper reward. Turn heaven and earth upside down to get it for him. Don't try to take it away from him and hog it for yourself. You may do this and get away with it, but you have lost the respect and loyalty of your men. Sooner or later your brother officers will hear of it and shun you like a leper. In war there is glory enough for all. Give the man under you his due. The man who always takes and never gives is not a leader. He is a parasite. There is another kind of fairness - that which will prevent an officer from abusing the privileges of his rank. When you exact respect from soldiers be sure you treat them with equal respect. Build up their manhood and self-respect. Don't try to pull it down.
For an officer to be overbearing and insulting in the treatment of enlisted men is the act of a coward.
He ties the man to a tree with the ropes of discipline and then strikes him in the face knowing full well that the man cannot strike back. Consideration, courtesy and respect from officers toward enlisted men are not incompatible with discipline. They are parts of our discipline. Without initiative and decision no man can expect to lead. In maneuvers you will frequently see, when an emergency arises, certain men calmly give instant orders which later, on analysis, prove to be, if not exactly the right thing, very nearly the right thing to have done. You will see other men in emergency become badly rattled; their brains refuse to work, or they give a hasty order, revoke it; give another, revoke that; in short, show every indication of being in a blue funk.
Regarding the first man you may say: "That man is a genius. He hasn't had time to reason this thing out. He acts intuitively." Forget it! Genius is merely the capacity for taking infinite pains. The man who was ready is the man who has prepared himself. He has studied beforehand the possible situations that might arise; he has made tentative plans covering such situations. When he is confronted by the emergency he is ready to meet it. He must have sufficient mental alertness to appreciate the problem that confronts him and the power of quick reasoning to determine what changes are necessary in his already formulated plan. He must also have the decision to order the execution and stick to his orders. Any reasonable order in an emergency is better than no order.
The situation is there. Meet it. It is better to do something and do the wrong thing than to hesitate, hunt around for the right thing to do and wind up by doing nothing at all. And, having decided on a line of action, stick to it. Don't vacillate. Men have no confidence in an officer who doesn't know his own mind.
Occasionally you will be called upon to meet a situation, which no reasonable human being could anticipate. If you have prepared yourself to meet other emergencies, which you could anticipate, the mental training you have thereby gained will enable you to act promptly and with calmness. You must frequently act without orders from higher authority.
Time will not permit you to wait for them. Here again enters the importance of studying the work of officers above you. If you have a comprehensive grasp of the entire situation and can form an idea of the general plan of your superiors, that and your previous emergency training will enable you to determine that the responsibility is yours and to issue the necessary orders without delay. The element of personal dignity is important in military leadership. Be the friend of your men, but do not become their intimate. Your men should stand in awe of you - not fear! If your men presume to become familiar it is your fault, and not theirs. Your actions have encouraged them to do so. And, above all things, don't cheapen yourself by courting their friendship or currying their favor. They will despise: you for it.
If you are worthy of their loyalty and respect and devotion they will surely give all these without asking. If you are not, nothing that you can do will win them. It is exceedingly difficult for an officer to be dignified while wearing a dirty, spotted uniform and a three days' stubble of whiskers on his face. Such a man lacks self-respect, and self-respect is an essential of dignity. There may be occasions when your work entails dirty clothes and an unshaved face. Your men all look that way. At such times there is ample reason for your appearance. In fact, it would be a mistake to look too clean - they would think that you were, not doing your share. But as soon as this unusual occasion has passed set an example for personal neatness.
And then I would mention courage.
Moral courage you need as well as mental courage - that kind of moral courage which enables you to adhere without faltering to a determined course of action, which your judgment has indicated is the one best suited to secure the desired results. You will find many times, especially in action, that, after having issued your orders to do a certain thing, you will be beset by misgivings and doubts; you will see, or think you see, other and better means for accomplishing the object sought.
You will be strongly tempted to change your orders. Don't do it until it is clearly manifested that your first orders were radically wrong. For, if you do, you will be again worried by doubts as to the efficacy of your second orders. Every time you change your orders without obvious reason you weaken your authority and impair the confidence of your men.
Have the moral courage to stand by your order and see it through. Moral courage further demands that you assume the responsibility for your own acts. If your subordinates have loyally carried out your orders and the movement you directed is a failure the failure is yours, not theirs.
Yours would have been the honor had it been successful. Take the blame if it results in disaster. Don't try to shift it to a subordinate and make him the goat. That is a cowardly act. Furthermore, you will need moral courage to determine the fate of those under you. You will frequently be called upon for recommendations for promotion or demotion of officers and non-commissioned officers in your immediate command. Keep clearly in mind your personal integrity and the duty you owe your country. Do not let yourself be deflected from a strict sense of justice by feelings of personal friendship.
If your own brother is your second lieutenant, and you find him unfit to hold his commission, eliminate him. If you don't your lack of moral courage may result in the loss of valuable lives.
THERE is something wrong about the man whose wife and children do not greet him affectionately on his homecoming.
If, on the other hand, you are called upon for a recommendation concerning a man whom, for personal reasons, you thoroughly dislike, do not fail to do him full justice. Remember that your aim is the general good, not the satisfaction of an individual grudge. I am taking it for granted that you have physical courage. I need not tell you how necessary that is. Courage is more than bravery. Bravery is fearlessness - the absence of fear. The merest dolt may be brave, because he lacks the mentality to appreciate his danger; he doesn't know enough to be afraid. Courage, however, is that firmness of spirit, that moral backbone which, while fully appreciating the danger involved, nevertheless goes on with the undertaking. Bravery is physical; courage is mental and moral. You may be cold all over; your hands may tremble; your legs may quake; your knees be ready to give way - that is fear. If, nevertheless, you go forward; if, in spite of this physical defection you continue to lead your men against the enemy, you have courage. The physical manifestations of fear will pass away. You may never experience them but once. They are the "buck fever" of the hunter who tries to shoot his first deer. You must not give way to them.
A number of years ago, while taking a course in demolitions, the class of which I was a member was handling dynamite. The instructor said, regarding its manipulation: "I must caution you gentlemen to be careful in the use of these explosives. One man has but one accident." And so I would caution you. If you give way to fear that will doubtless beset you in your first action; if you show the white feather; if you let your men go forward while you hunt a shell crater, you will never again have the opportunity of leading those men. Use judgment in calling on your men for displays of physical courage or bravery.
Don't ask any man to go where you would not go yourself. If your common sense tells you that the place is too dangerous for you to venture into, then it is too dangerous for him. You know his life is as valuable to him as yours is to you.
Occasionally some of your men must be exposed to danger, which you cannot share. A message must be taken across a fire-swept zone. You call for volunteers. If your men know you and know that you are "right" you will never lack volunteers, for they will know your heart is in your work, that you are giving your country the best you have, that you would willingly carry the message yourself if you could. Your example and enthusiasm will have inspired them.
And, lastly, if you aspire to leadership, I would urge you to study men. Get under their skins and find out what is inside. Some men are quite different from what they appear to be on the surface. Determine the workings of their mind. Much of General Robert E. Lee's success as a leader may be ascribed to his ability as a psychologist. He knew most of his opponents from West Point days; knew the workings of their minds; and he believed that they would do certain things under certain circumstances.
In nearly every case he was able to anticipate their movements and block the execution. You cannot know your opponent in this war in the same way. But you can know your own men. You can study each to determine wherein lies his strength and his weakness; which man can be relied upon to the last gasp and which cannot. Know your men, know your business, know yourself!

~Major C. A. Bach -

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Ways to show Love

1. Listen compassionately. It's requires concentration and respect.

2. Be present.  Even you cannot solve their problems,  the most loving thing to do is just to be with them.

3. Do something practical. Love need to manifest itself more by deeds than by words.

4. Love freely. Accept people as they are.

5. Forgive. It is an act of love that heals both the forgiver and the forgiven.

6. Pray.

Source: The Jesuit Guide.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

3 New Things I am Grateful for Today

From TED Talk : The Happy Secret to Better Work
" The absence of disease is not health. Here's how we get to health: We need to reverse the formula for happiness and success. In the last three years, I've traveled to 45 different countries, working with schools and companies in the midst of an economic downturn. And what I found is that most companies and schools follow a formula for success, which is this: If I work harder, I'll be more successful. And if I'm more successful, then I'll be happier. That undergirds most of our parenting styles, our managing styles, the way that we motivate our behavior.
9:33And the problem is it's scientifically broken and backwards for two reasons. First, every time your brain has a success, you just changed the goalpost of what success looked like. You got good grades, now you have to get better grades, you got into a good school and after you get into a better school, you got a good job, now you have to get a better job, you hit your sales target, we're going to change your sales target.And if happiness is on the opposite side of success, your brain never gets there. What we've done is we've pushed happiness over the cognitive horizon as a society. And that's because we think we have to be successful, then we'll be happier.
10:01But the real problem is our brains work in the opposite order. If you can raise somebody's level of positivity in the present, then their brain experiences what we now call a happiness advantage, which is your brain at positive performs significantly better than it does at negative, neutral or stressed. Your intelligence rises, your creativity rises, your energy levels rise. In fact, what we've found is that every single business outcome improves. Your brain at positive is 31 percent more productive than your brain at negative, neutral or stressed. You're 37 percent better at sales. Doctors are 19 percent faster, more accurate at coming up with the correct diagnosis when positive instead of negative, neutral or stressed. Which means we can reverse the formula. If we can find a way of becoming positive in the present, then our brains work even more successfully as we're able to work harder, faster and more intelligently.
10:45What we need to be able to do is to reverse this formula so we can start to see what our brains are actually capable of. Because dopamine, which floods into your system when you're positive, has two functions. Not only does it make you happier, it turns on all of the learning centers in your brain allowing you to adapt to the world in a different way.
11:01We've found that there are ways that you can train your brain to be able to become more positive. In just a two-minute span of time done for 21 days in a row, we can actually rewire your brain, allowing your brain to actually work more optimistically and more successfully. We've done these things in research now in every single company that I've worked with, getting them to write down three new things that they're grateful for for 21 days in a row, three new things each day. And at the end of that,their brain starts to retain a pattern of scanning the world, not for the negative, but for the positive first.
11:29Journaling about one positive experience you've had over the past 24 hours allows your brain to relive it. Exercise teaches your brain that your behavior matters. We find that meditation allows your brain to get over the cultural ADHD that we've been creating by trying to do multiple tasks at once and allows our brains to focus on the task at hand. And finally, random acts of kindness are conscious acts of kindness.We get people, when they open up their inbox, to write one positive email praising or thanking somebody in their social support network.
11:54And by doing these activities and by training your brain just like we train our bodies,what we've found is we can reverse the formula for happiness and success, and in doing so, not only create ripples of positivity, but create a real revolution."
My Thoughts - 3 Gratitudes

1) Ability to move normally to enjoy the freedom of mobility
2) A Good n Supportive Wife who cares and loves me
3) Good eyesight to enjoy the beauty of God's creation

I'm grateful for my wife who is full of enthusiasm and show a jest for living. She is like a spark for me; brings out the best in me; and lights up my life.

I'm grateful for my wife because she cares for the children dearly. She will always be thinking of their needs and challenges. She will try her best to be supportive and attend yo them every possible. 

22 Nov 2014
1) Ability to eat well
2) For God's wonderful provision of daily needs.
3) For a nice hair cut.

I thank God for my hair even though I am balding. I thank God I still look good and happy. Let the joy of the Lord be my strength. I thank God i can still smile because God loves me. Smile more.

24 Nov 2014
1. Ability to breathe
2. Ability to think clearly
3. Beauty of flowers

I thank God for the ability to inhale and exhale fresh air.  To enjoy this freedom of exercising the lungs and the capacity.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

TED TALK: How to live passionately—no matter your age

Author Isabel Allende is 71. Yes, she has a few wrinkles—but she has incredible perspective too. In this candid talk, meant for viewers of all ages, she talks about her fears as she gets older and shares how she plans to keep on living passionately.

11 Reasons Why You’re Not Losing Belly Fat

11 Reasons Why You’re Not Losing Belly Fat

Getting rid of your belly bulge is important for more than just vanity’s sake. Excess abdominal fat-particularly visceral fat, the kind that surrounds your organs and puffs your stomach into a “beer gut”-is a predictor of heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance and some cancers. If diet and exercise haven’t done much to reduce your pooch, then your hormones, your age and other genetic factors may be the reason why. Read on for 11 possible reasons why your belly fat won’t budge.

How to Deal with Pressure Selling

Pressure selling is not new and it's on the rise.
Know their tactics and don't let them push you around.

Common pressure sales tactics. They:

  • Build rapport - to earn your trust.
  • Instill urgency - the offer won't last.
  • Portray professionalism - to appear knowledgeable, scientific.
  • Build the need or anxiety - to instill anxiety if you don't act .
  • Manipulate emotions - they target your emotional cues.
  • Chatter continuously - no time for you to think and say No.
  • Offer Free gifts and bonus add-ons - you feel bad to say No.
  • Offer Easy financing - 'affordable' monthly instalments.

So, how to deal with them.

The Golden Rule - Don't make any decisions on the spot.
Just say 'NO' repeatedly. Stay firm and stick to it.
Politely and firmly tell them thanks but no thanks. And walk off.

No matter how attractive the offer or how insistent the salesperson, never agree to or sign anything on the spot.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014


There are times when we sense an absence of God - not a true absence but rather a sense of God's absence. We feel as if we are in a barren land, a desert. These are experience of forsakenness, abandonment and desertion.

Some call it 'the dark night of the soul'. It is not that God is displeased with us or that we have committed grave sin against him.

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