Sunday, December 2, 2012

Honor God With Your Body

I read 1 Cor 6 today.

The chapter reminds Christians to avoid 2 things;

1. Lawsuits

2. Sexual Sins

The verse that speak to me is v 20 - "for God bought you with a high price. So you must honor God with your body."

How does one honor God with one's body?


1. Keep your body in good shape.

First, we need to eat rightly. For those of us when live in affluent societies where food is plentiful, this can be very trying. There's always the temptation of eating too much and eating all the rich food which can harm the body. One good advice is to eat till you are about 70% full and stop.

Second, we need to develop the habit of regular exercise to keep the body in fighting fit condition. This is usually easier said than done. At times, exercise can be boring but my motivation is to present to God a body than will honor Him.

Its all about developing good habits.

2. Keep your body from sexual sins.

Sexual sins not only harm the physical body through acquiring all the deadly diseases like HIV; it also harm the emotional and spiritual realms of the body. Run away from sexual sins!

3. Keep your mind sound.

Fill the mind with what is pure and honorable, with wisdom and truth. Read the right literature, read the Bible, read good books. Keep learning.

4. Keep your emotions healthy.

5. Give to others generously.

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