Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Courage: 10 Truths You Should Know

We are all leaders in one way or another. Whether you are the Chief Executive of an organization or a mother managing the children and household, you are a leader. And there are all kinds of leaders. However, a common characteristic of all great leaders is their willingness to be different and unconventional. This takes courage. Just being a leader doesn't mean that one has courage, but courage can make one a more effective leader and experience the extra-ordinary life.


So, what is courage? I found an interesting definition. 'Courage: The quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain, etc. without fear or bravery.'

Here are 10 truths about courage you should know:

1. Courage begins on the inside.

Courage is the energy of the truth in your heart. Courage is born of love and compassion. Courage is the ACTION of obeying your conscience.

2. Courage is never giving up, keeping at it no matter what.

Courage enables a person to stand firm and get through difficult situations. It is unconditionally sticking to your stance that you think is right and positive.

3. Courage is contagious.

When a leader demonstrates courage, it encourages others to want to follow. Courage will inspire commitment from the followers.

4. Courage is not the absence of fear.

Courage is feeling the fear and doing what you need to do anyway. Courage is the act of facing your fears. Courage overcomes the fears.

5. Courage creates strength.

Every time you have the courage to face your fears, you become a stronger person.

6. Courage is about choice.

It is choosing to be bold. To act courageously, one needs to know what the right choice is. Be clear about your dream and vision

7. Courage begins things.

C. S. Lewis once said that the virtue of courage is a prerequisite for the practice of all other virtues. So, courage is a precursor for Faith, Love, Change, Persistence, Authenticity, Trust, Service and every other virtue.

8. Courage is the virtue that makes us willing to pay that price.

Cowardice makes us say, "The price is too high; I will not pay it. It is too hard. I will seek the easier, less costly choice." So, courage may require a heavy personal price or sacrifice.

9. Courage is maturity and wisdom.

The opposite of courage, cowardice, means real death. A coward has no personality and no ideals.

10. Courage is something we need every day.

We need it to do even the simplest things, but especially when we face serious problems and dangers.

How can you strengthen your courage and risk taking ability? Here are some suggestions.

Go and do something that you are afraid to do. This might be white-water rafting, bungee jumping, or some similar activity.
Stop avoiding confrontation.

Take a giant step - we often get stuck in our comfort zone. Remember: It’s not about not being afraid.

Move ahead in spite of your fear/despair.

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