Why do people pay for the comedy shows and those comedy channels?
Well, you can also use it reduce tension, escape from unhappiness, find a great laugh, keep your children in their seats…you name it. There are a thousand and one use of humor, but it leads to an ultimate goal—laughter. Laughter is powerful, and much more powerful than most people think.
"Laughter, the Best Medicine" is actually a Reader's Digest Magazine column that has been around almost as long as the magazine has existed. However, it is rumored that Reader's Digest stole the phrase from God or King David who wrote the Book of Proverbs. Proverbs 17:22: "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine, but a broken spirit drieth the bones."
Laughter and humor, of course, are not exactly the same thing. Just about anyone can laugh. Even hostile people can laugh. Sometimes, they have more fun laughing at others, which can be just plain mean. I think the Bible got it right. It is the merry heart that counts, not how many funny television shows, movies, or videos we watch or how many funny stories we read. So the secret is out.
Have a great day, and keep on smiling! It is the merry heart that counts !
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