Saturday, November 5, 2011

What Millions Of Young People In China And India REALLY Think

We live in a very stressful and materialistic world. In most urban environments, people generally just take care of their own needs, chasing their own dreams and searching for after fortunes for their own enjoyment. Yet there are many without food, without family, without a home, without limbs, without hope.
‎As Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said recently "Our world is one of terrible contradictions. Plenty of food but one billion people go hungry. Lavish lifestyles for a few, but poverty for too many others. Huge advances in medicine while mothers die everyday in childbirth, and children die every day from drinking dirty water. Billions spent on weapons to kill people instead of keeping them safe. At the G20 summit, we need to deal with all these issues - squarely and directly." 
But what is needful in this crowded world is to start with ourselves, start with me to show love and care in chance encounters, on the phone, standing in line, negotiating rush-hour traffic, making customers feel appreciated, and helping frightened patients feel a bit less anxious.
Kindergarten teachers, bank presidents, computer geeks, maintenance people, teens, senior citizens — yes, all of us can play our part and be intentional about bringing light into dark places. Giving hope to discouraged souls. Acknowledging the lonely. Being representatives of God's loving presence in all the places we inhabit or visit. 

Photographer Adrian Fisk traveled 2,700 kilometers across China and India to discover that most young people are, in essence, exactly the same. 

While living in India, Fisk realized he knew nothing about young people in the nearby country of China, and neither did anyone else in India. Fisk dug deeper into the subject and came across the staggering fact that there are 1.2 billion people under the age of 30 years old in China and India. 

"I wanted to find out what these young people thought," said Fisk, 41, who is currently in London. "If I found out what was in these people's minds, I figured I would get an idea of where our world is headed at this pivotal time." 

Fisk wanted his project to be a voice for these young people that the rest of the world knew little about.

Read more and see more photos.

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